Why hire a designer 

for your small business?

A brand designer will assist in the assessing and defining of your brand. In essence, take your company’s mission, purpose, and goals and insure that its translated into the copy and visual aspects of your brand.


A brand is the perception of a company. This includes your logo, website and business cards.


An identity is a brand's set of visual elements. This includes your logo, colours, fonts, icons, letterhead, business cards, envelopes, websites, packaging, uniforms, office aesthetics, promotional swag, social media, email blasts, signage, and messaging.


A logo is a mark that represents a company. This is your strongest point of recognition. 


Brand Identity

Cheeky Creek Farm - Bromont

FIT Performance - Bois Franc

 AlexandrART - Saint-Lazare




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and set up a meeting


What is branding?


A brand is the perception of a company.Your brand is what people think of when they think about you. It’s your reputation. Your values, your products, your marketing, your customer service. Magazine articles about you, how your stores smell inside, and what your neighbor’s mom said about you at her bridge party. And yes, it’s your logo and website and business cards. Everything people encounter when they interact with your company adds to their perception of you: your brand. 


Branding is the effort to influence this perception. You can’t literally control what your neighbor’s mom might think, of course. But you can do your best to get on her radar and make a great impression. 


An identity is a brand’s set of visual elements.A subset of a brand is the brand identity (also called corporate identity or identity system).

The key word is identity. Just like with people, checking an ID proves you’re you and not somebody else. The tangible elements you can see when a company communicates with you comprise its identity design: Logo, colors, fonts, icons, letterhead, business cards, envelopes,

websites, packaging, uniforms, office aesthetics, promotional swag, social media, email blasts, signage, messaging.A brand style guide documents a brand’s evolving identity.  


A logo is a mark that represents a company.Of all the visual parts that make up your identity, your logo is the strongest point of recognition. It doesn’t have to tell the world everything you do. It’s a quick tag or identifier. A red bullseye doesn’t reveal all the clothing, housewares, and food you can buy at Target. But it works as a stand-in for everything you know about Target. And if you knew nothing about Target, you could still make some guesses about the personality of the company by looking at the logo.  

Benefits of hiring an identity designer for your small business

Maybe you’re a small business starting from scratch. Or maybe you’ve been growing for a little while, and you’re wondering whether you should update your existing brand identity. Is it worth investing in better design? For businesses that get all their customers from neighborhood referrals—and they’re satisfied with that—it’s probably not worth it. Think of plumbers, mechanics, or dentists. As long as their service is excellent, nobody minds if their visuals are less than stellar. But if you’re in an industry where aesthetics can increase your visibility or revenue (think food and beverage, hospitality, fashion, arts, financial services, health and wellness, etc.), you can benefit from hiring an identity designer. Great design can help you:



Strong identity design sticks in customers’ minds. After seeing it a couple times, it becomes instantly recognizable as yours, and familiar is comforting.



Customers are drawn to attractiveness and a company who clearly gets them.



As if you didn’t just arrive on the scene yesterday with a clip art logo hastily printed on perforated cards from your office inkjet.



Elegantly designed materials and lovely printing convey that you’re prospering. Customers want to work with successful companies.